03.3 High voltage cabling & components
Electric vehicle orange cabling indicates high voltage wiring & components operating at 400V+
All electric vehicles run high voltage (HV) wiring through orange conduit to connect HV components within the drive system.
HV cabling & HV components carry the risk of electrocution if not handled correctly.
These include the DC:DC converter, onboard charger, AC compressor & charge port. It also includes the lithium traction battery, which we look at in more detail next.
Traction battery

Electric motor
Motor controller
Charge port
Orange EV HV presents a risk for emergency responders
High voltage cabling & components indicates an electric vehicle operating at 400V or more. Newer models may eventually operate at up to 1000V.
HV cable & components present a risk of electrocution to emergency responders at all incidents involving an electric vehicle. Importantly:
Orange cabling should not be cut or handled.
Emergency responders should not attempt to access the HV traction battery with cutting or prying tools
If orange HV cabling has been damaged or exposed in an emergency incident, extreme care must be exercised in strict accordance with the vehicle manufacturers emergency response instructions; see the Resources page for links.